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Friday, January 2, 2015

Work Outs To Reduce Belly Fat

Belly fat is  common problem in women now a days. Increasing belly makes their personality something awkward.  They keep trying different types of clothes and other things to hide it. They go for dieting plans and fasting programs to get rid off belly fat. I do not say that dieting and fasting is not necessary however these alone cannot bring a drastic change because once you leave dieting and fasting, you would have observed that you start gaining fat again. What should be done then? The answer is simple! Combine your dieting with regular exercise. I am going to tell seven most powerful and amazing sexy abs exercises that work wonderfully on your belly fat and you can do it at home.

You need to perform these work outs for 30 to 45 minutes, 6 days in a week:

1 Move Side to Side

It is good exercise to warm up and reduce fat on waist side. To perform this exercise, stand straight and join your feet. Now, raise your hands above the head. Bend you body either left or right side keeping your feet on ground. Try to bend as much as possible till you feel strain on either side of your waist. Stay in the position for 15 seconds and now bend on other side for 15 seconds.
Gradually, you need to increase the time to 30 seconds in bending position. Perform 15-20 bends in 1 set and do 3-4 sets in total.

2 Bicycle Crunch

It is a superb workout for a flat stomach, To perform bicycle exercise, lie flat on the floor and gently hold your head with your hands. Now, lift your keens to about a 45 degree angle. Slowly, go through a bicycle pedal motion and alternatively touch your elbows to the opposite knees as you twist back and forth. Breath normally throughout the exercise.
Perform 16 to 20 repetitions in 2 to 4 sets for better results.

3. Captain's Chair Leg Raise

I love this exercise because it highly affects abdominal muscles and tone up belly. To perform this exercise, you need to take a chair and sit on that chair and grip the handholds and keep your body straight. Press your body against the pad of chair and contract the abs to raise the legs and lift the knees towards your chest. Keep in mind that you need not to arch the back or swing the legs up. 
In upward phase, bring your legs close to your abdominal and breath out while raising your legs. Keep abdominal contracted throughout the movement.
In downward phase, slowly lower your legs back in downward motion and descend until your legs are completely retracted.
Repeat this 10 to 15 times in a 3-4 sets.

4 Alternate Heel Touches

It is one of great flat stomach workouts. To perform this, lay down on your back on the ground with your knees bent. Place your feet flat and widen then slightly more than than your shoulder-apart-width. Extend your arms towards the downward direction by the side of the body with your palms facing inwards. While exhaling your breath, crunch your abs in the forward right direction. Try to catch your right ankle with the right extended arm. Stay there till the count of one. Now while you are inhaling your breath, leave the right ankle you caught hold of with your right arm and very slowly move back to the starting position. Repeat the same for the left side. Your one rep is complete when you have completed both sides,
Perform 20 to 30 reps in 3 to 4 sets.

5 Long Arm Crunch

It is one of the good work outs to reduce belly fat. To perform this work out, Lie down on the ground and extend your arms past the top of your head so that your arms are near your ears. With arms extended, curl your torso to crunch the abs. If done correctly, your shoulders should come a few inches off the mat as you crunch. Try to hold the crunch position for 2 to 3 seconds and come to start position.Be sure to exhale as you crunch.
You can take 20 to 30 reps in 1 set and perform at least 2 to 3 sets.

6 Reverse Crunch

It is quite effective abdominal exercise that helps in losing belly fat. To do this work out, lie flat on the floor. Place hands on floor under your hips/butt and bring knees up toward chest until feet are flat on floor. While keeping knees in bent position, contract abdominal and bring knees toward chest. Continue contracting abdominal and bring knees as close as comfortably possible to your chest. Your hips may rise off your hands. Pause at the end of the contraction, and slowly lower yourself back down to the starting position. Be sure to exhale as you bring your knees to your chest, and inhale as you lower yourself back down.
Perform 20 to 30 reps in one set and do 3 to 4 sets in total.

7 Dynamic Side Bridge

This work out is really great to target oblique muscles which occupy the side of midsection. To begin, lie on one side with the legs straight. The elbow should be used to support the upper body. Keep the elbow directly beneath the shoulder. The other hand can rest on the hip or waist area. Next, lift the hips off the ground until the body is perfectly straight. Slowly lower the hips, tap the ground, and repeat the exercise. Never let the hips rotate forward during the side bridge. The body should be perfectly aligned at all times.
Perform as much reps as you can do in one set and do 2 to 3 sets.

I believe that if you try these abs workout, it will highly affect on your belly fat and you can achieve a flat tummy.  Moreover, you need not any equipment for these work outs and can perform these ab exercises at home.

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