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Saturday, December 13, 2014

Effective and Amazing drink to weight loss!

Do you KNOW the effect and magic of "GREEN TEA"? It is prepared from the leaves of "Camellia Sinensis". Asians have used this tea thousands of year for overall well being. In recent days, It has become the raw material for extracts used in various beverages, dietary supplements and cosmetic items. Green tea has amazing proven health benefits. It is very effective if you want to lose weight, boost energy, lower cholesterol level, improve heart, lung, kidney and liver functions and have a younger skin. Green tea is rich in powerful antioxidants called "Catechin Olypenols", It has been already proved that Catechin Olypenols is more powerful than Vitamin C and E.
Scientists has discovered that Green Tea has tremendous vital benefits if it is taken daily because this tea contains large amount of antioxidants. That is why, It is being widely used in many consumer products.The major benefits of Green Tea:

  • Promote heart health
  • lower bad cholesterol
  • Help weight loss
  • Remove toxins for body
  • Promote younger skin and banish acne
  • Boost immune system
  • Protect liver, lung and kidney functions
Evidence shows that drinking 3 to 4 cups of Green tea everyday reduces risk of heart diseases. When sugar and fat enter your body, they will be synthesized into a essential substance called Triglyceride.Green tea encounters the threat of excess of Triglyceride because Green tea has a high amount of Polyphenols. Polyphenols activate a certain enzyme in body and this enzyme dissolves excess Triglyceride. That is the reason, you see many weight loss products contain Green Tea.

Drinking "Green Tea" is best and less expensive way to stay healthy. You can enjoy 3 to 5 cups of this tea daily if you are willing to lose weight fast. You can drink it hot, warm and cold.

Remember, There is always Green Tea which is a magical and powerful drink!

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