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Tuesday, February 10, 2015

How To Lose Fat

Actually, Fat is also of a kind of nutrient that our body requires for its normal function. It supplies energy to our body and we cannot live without fat however excess fat is very dangerous because it invites several kinds of diseases and disorders. Changing food habits and lifestyle are common factors of increasing fat. But, it is not the end. It can be controlled and completely brought back to its normal level if we focus on our food habits. Here, I am sharing few tips that can be very helpful to lose fat:

Drink sufficient amount of liquid: It is necessary to drink sufficient amount of liquid in order to keep body temperature normal however it does not mean to start drinking "alcohol"and "cold drinks". We should drink plenty of water, healthy drinks and juices. Water is great solvent and there are lots of fat which is water soluble.

Do not eat excessive calories: Eating more calories than you burn is also not good for health. If you are unable to burn calories that you intake per day then it will result in fat. So, It is important to figure out how much calories your body need and consume calories accordingly.

Do not consume too much starchy foods: Starch is good source of energy however consuming large amount of starchy foods can cause in fat accumulation. But, it does not mean to stop eating starchy foods. You just need to cut back on them and consume wisely to reduce fat.

Always eat healthy and balanced breakfast: Do not ever try to skip your breakfast if you are working out to lose fat. Breakfast is first requirement in morning after a long night starvation because it helps your body to rebuild. A balanced breakfast with sufficient amount of proteins and carbohydrates is good way to start day.

Reduce sugar consumption:  It is good to taking simple sugar right after the work out but it is not good to have excessive amount of sugar because it stores in body in the form of fat therefore it is necessary to limit on sugar consumption.

Drink black coffee and green tea: Drinking black coffee and green tea is great way to reduce fat. So, one can take 2 to 3 cups of these drinks in a day. It helps a lot.

Eat green vegetables: Green vegetables contain large amount of minerals and vitamins that helps body to fight fat and keeps body healthy. Consuming green vegetables raw and boiled are beneficial for correct metabolism.

Reduce junk foods: Junk foods are common cause of fat these days because junk foods contain bad fat that is dangerous for our body. Instead of eating junk food, you should focus on healthy fat that you can get from nuts, seeds, avocado and coconut etc.

Take a sound sleep: Rest is mandatory for our body growth. It is important to take a sound sleep of 7 to 8 hours because our body heals itself during sleep. Not taking enough sleep is also a cause of fat.

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